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Review: I is for Innocent (S. Grafton)
Wow. This book was a rollercoaster ride if I’ve ever been on one (I haven’t… heights are 100% not my thing, I would probably only get on...

Review: H is for Homicide (S. Grafton)
I can’t think about the title of this book without thinking about Joe Kenda: Homicide Hunter, which shows you that I watch way too much...

Review: G is for Gumshoe (S. Grafton)
So it's been a minute since I've read any Kinsey Millhone mysteries as I've been trying to avoid getting library fines (hint: It's not...

My Rating System (And How It's Changed)
I've only been posting reviews of books for let's say 10 months or so but my rating system has changed a lot in those months. I will...

Review: The Oddling Prince (N. Springer)
It's really hard for me to sort out all of my feelings about this book because I am still pretty confused. And a little frustrated. But...

My New Leaf: Organized April
I've been trying to become more organized recently so I've decided to create an accountability system for myself reading-wise. I used to...

Why It's Okay to Mark Books as DNF
An old, lower quality picture, but featuring the first book I marked as DNF. I never used to mark books as DNF. Ever. No matter how much...

Reading Wrap-Up: March
Okay so I'm behind. But only by like one day so IT'S OKAY. Also I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past...

Review: Sky in the Deep (A. Young)
Reading this book was like being chucked headfirst into a fantasy world with no warning. At first you have no idea what is going on, but...

Review: The Girl in the Spider's Web (D. Lagercrantz)
I was more that just a tad nervous to read this book because I adored the original trilogy, and didn't want it to be ruined by the two...
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