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Review: Romanov (N. Brandes)
First of all, I just want to let everyone know that I was ecstatic when I received a copy of this book. I love the story of the Romanov...

Review: Of Captivity & Kings (E.Y. Laster)
The Kingdom of Nabara is a peaceful one, with strict laws against the slave trade and a clear path to follow if the Kings fails to follow...

Review: The Enchanted Sonata (H.D. Wallwork)
It's no dark secret that I love a good retelling. I'm pretty sure everyone on the entire planet knows that by now. And when I read the...
Review: Mirage (S. Daud)
I love, love, loved this book, despite the fact that it contained some one of my least favorite things... a love triangle/line/thingy....

Review: The Isle of Gold (S. Jane)
This was a book that had a lot of potential, and could have been a really, really good story. It had a unique plot, a main protagonist...

Review: Empress of a Thousand Lanterns (J. Dao)
This book gave me feelings, and not all of them were positive. On one hand, I do love me a retelling, especially a retelling of a popular...

Review: The Appearance of Annie Van Sinderen (K. Howe)
This book took creepy and confused to a whole new level. I wasn't even sure what was going on half of the time, because while Annie was...

Review: The Wicker King (K. Ancrum)
Full disclosure: I picked this up on a complete whim (and because of Cait's review) while waiting at the library one day and devoured it...

Review: Sightwitch (S. Dennard)
This... was not my favorite novella ever. I'm not a novella person in general, because I have a thing for large, wordy books, but this...

Review: Paper and Fire (R. Caine)
I really like this series. Like really, really, like it. Partially because it has to do with books, but also because the second book was...
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