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Review: The Appearance of Annie Van Sinderen (K. Howe)
This book took creepy and confused to a whole new level. I wasn't even sure what was going on half of the time, because while Annie was...

Review: The Wicker King (K. Ancrum)
Full disclosure: I picked this up on a complete whim (and because of Cait's review) while waiting at the library one day and devoured it...

Review: Sightwitch (S. Dennard)
This... was not my favorite novella ever. I'm not a novella person in general, because I have a thing for large, wordy books, but this...

Review: Paper and Fire (R. Caine)
I really like this series. Like really, really, like it. Partially because it has to do with books, but also because the second book was...

Review: Iron Gold (P. Brown)
Wow. What a gigantic disappointment. This book literally took everything that I loved about the Red Rising series, did the exact...

The Oddling Prince Release Day!
It's release day for The Oddling Prince! And in order to celebrate... I'm doing a little wrap up post so that you all can know a little...

Review: Ink & Bone (R. Caine)
For a book belonging to a series titled "The Great Library", I though there would be a lot more, I don't know... books? I mean there were...

Review: Morning Star (P. Brown)
This series reminds me of the Robert Langdon series (which I will review eventually, I promise) in the way that each book has a similar...

Review: Salt (H. Moskowitz)
This book was good, but also… not really my favorite book ever. The premise was amazing (a huge heck yeah to sea monsters!) but the...

Review: Whisper of the Tide (S. Tolcser)
Wow. This book was very, very good. So good that I was almost late today because I went to read "just a couple pages," read 54% of the...
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