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Reading Wrap-Up: March

Okay so I'm behind. But only by like one day so IT'S OKAY. Also I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past couple of weeks (life is stressful, okay) and all of my goals just went kablooey out the window as I tried to save my sanity. I think I managed to recover half of it. Maybe. I'm rounding up a bit.

~My January in Books~

Total Read: 41/200 (9 books behind. Help me. Somebody help.)

This Month: 17 books

Most Surprising: The World According to Garp

Most Disappointing: The Vault

Series or Standalone: Mostly series

Paperback, Hardcover, or eBook: Hardcover (surprise!)

Method of Obtaining: 3 from publisher, 2 from library, 6 borrowed, 5 already owned, and 1 new purchase

# of ARCs: 1/17

~Random Thoughts~

So I actually read the number of books that I needed to this month (17) in order to meet my goal so insert self high-five here. I did a ton of reading over the break I had... and then promptly read nothing when I got back. Good job me. But at least now I'm not accumulating reading debt anymore. I just have debt.

The World According to Garp was shocking to me. Not that I loved it, because I really didn't (I didn't hate it either, I was just all around confused), but that I didn't understand what was going on and STILL couldn't put it down. I really did try at page 50. I was this close to putting it down. But I didn't and I read it and I was still super confused, but it was pretty good. I just still don't understand what was going on or what was happening.

The most disappointing for me was The Vault because although I knew it was going to be short, I didn't anticipate how short it was going to be and I felt like there were a bunch of gaps and unexplained details. I needed more explanation, more plot, just... more.

I still read mostly series this month because I am still SO FAR BEHIND on everything that I'm still catching up on series that I started last year. I will get to them one day. The key word being one day. I also mostly read hardcover this month because... I borrowed a lot of the books. And I also bought a book (IN HARDCOVER!) because someone didn't keep a close eye on me when I went into the bookstore. Bad idea. Very bad.

I took a little bit of a break from ARCs and NetGalley this month because I wanted to catch up on the other books I had BUT I have two ARCs that I'm currently reading and super excited for right now so... happy days!

~Review of Goals for March~

  • Read 17 books so that I at least read the correct amount for my goal during March YES

  • Read the books I have out from the library/borrowed *coughcough*

  • Read Red Rising, One Dark Throne, and Shadowcaster I read 1/3...

  • Also Everless um.

  • Rewrite my TBR. Again. Double um.

  • Post at least every day on Instagram and every other day here *sigh*

  • Read at least 1 book outside of my comfort zone I DID THIS.

2.33 goals out of 7. Which is horrible. What am I doing. I am severely disappointed in myself right now...

~Goals for April~

  • Read 17 books so that I at least read the correct amount for my goal during April

  • Read the books I have out from the library/borrowed

  • Read Red Rising, Everless, and Shadowcaster

  • Also the physical books I just bought

  • Rewrite my TBR. Again.

  • Post at least every day on Instagram and every other day here (try this again)

  • Read every day. Even for .2 seconds

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to go do if I ever want to accomplish even half of this.


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