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Review: I is for Innocent (S. Grafton)

Wow. This book was a rollercoaster ride if I’ve ever been on one (I haven’t… heights are 100% not my thing, I would probably only get on a rollercoaster if someone physically dragged me on there. In which case I think I have bigger issues than just the rollercoaster). I would be so sure that I had “solved” the case, and then new evidence would come to light. So then I would “solve” the case again, only for more evidence to come up that pointed back to my original conclusion. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this book boggled my brain big-time. And I loved it.

When Kinsey is hired to make sure that a man that everyone is sure killed his ex-wife doesn't walk free a second time, she at first believes that it will be a pretty straightforward case. But when it turns out that the prime suspect may not be the murderer after all, Kinsey is forced to chase down a litany of suspects, and will wind up investigating more than just one crime.

I really liked this book. It's so hard to right this review and talk about how much I liked it without spoiling the Big Reveal at the end, because the Big Reveal is what I loved so, so much. So I'm going to talk about this in generals, and hopefully this review won't be so vague that it becomes extremely unhelpful or confusing.

I loved how original this book was, in terms of the plot twists. I think I mentioned in my last review that I feel like the books are almost getting more original as they go along, which I am absolutely loving. Although the general overarching plot is pretty predictable (because, you know, it’s a mystery) the individual plot twists seem to come at you completely out of the blue, which makes for a super enjoyable read. I didn’t feel like it was the same recycled plot that I’ve read a million times, it seemed fresh, new, and exciting.

What really made this book stand out for me is that there there was a crime inside of a crime inside of a crime. It wasn’t just one mystery Kinsey was trying to solve, it was an investigation that lead to the discovery of multiple other crimes, and it just made it feel more natural or organic to me.

I feel like I'm just spitting random words out into the void. None of what I'm saying makes any sense.

What I didn't like was that the books are getting longer! Normally I'm all for that, but a huge part of my attraction to this series was the short and quick style, which is fading a bit as the books start to increase in length.

I like my short books. Come back to me.

4/5 Stars

If you wish to purchase this book, Amazon has it available in paperback and hardcover.

Disclaimer: The links above are affiliate links which means I earn a small amount of money off of the sale which will help me pay for more books to review!

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