Review: H is for Homicide (S. Grafton)

I can’t think about the title of this book without thinking about Joe Kenda: Homicide Hunter, which shows you that I watch way too much TV and explains why I jump when people tap me on the shoulder (those episodes are creepy as heck, okay?). But being completely honest…. I really did like this book. I’m actually liking this series more and more as I go along (which is super rare) because although the first three or so seemed to finish a set pattern or mold, the last couple have been original and out of the box and I’m loving it. Which is a really good thing in my opinion, since this series is 25 books long, and the last thing you want is 25 books that are carbon copies of the other. Just write one book in that case and call it good.
When Kinsey shows up for work one day only to find one of her friends and colleges, Parnell Perkins, murdered in a parking lot behind the office, she is determined to find out who would do this to a man who (seemingly) had not an enemy in the world. When she takes over one of his insurance fraud cases, against a women named Bibianna Diaz, Kinsey will wind up being sucked into a world of deception, lies, and control. The question is, now that Kinsey is in with Bibianna… will she ever be able to get out?
This book is one of twists and turns and then some more twists and turns, just for good measure. Although you would think that the main focus of the story would be investigating Parnell Perkins’ death, it really isn’t. The main focus is on Bibianna, her world, and why she acts the way that she does and commits the crimes that she does. And I actually preferred it that way. It seemed more original and interesting, versus the normal crime/mystery book where the entire focus is on who killed so-and-so. I like originality, especially in books, and especially in genres such as this one, which aren’t my typical read. Because, you know, fantasy. But it was especially interesting to read about the scam that was being pulled off, and all of the logistics that went into it. And also the very real pain that one could experience should they decide to intentionally crash their car into somebody else’s. Which solidifies my desire to never, ever be in a car accident.
The part I really didn’t love about this book was Kinsey going undercover. The logic seemed a bit sketchy and flawed in my opinion, and I also felt that some of the stuff that Kinsey did, despite the fact that she was undercover, would have gotten her in deep trouble (not to mention that some of said stuff was pretty cruel). Undercover Kinsey has never been my favorite Kinsey, but I did like the insight that it gave us into Bibianna and her life. You win some, you lose some. In this case I think the win was worth it.
I’m super excited to continue this series and see what other unique spins can be put on the pretty classic PI/mystery/crime story. Maybe this will inspire me to read more mystery novels, who knows!
3/5 stars
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