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Review: Romanov (N. Brandes)
First of all, I just want to let everyone know that I was ecstatic when I received a copy of this book. I love the story of the Romanov...

Review: The Enchanted Sonata (H.D. Wallwork)
It's no dark secret that I love a good retelling. I'm pretty sure everyone on the entire planet knows that by now. And when I read the...

Review: Sightwitch (S. Dennard)
This... was not my favorite novella ever. I'm not a novella person in general, because I have a thing for large, wordy books, but this...

Review: Ink & Bone (R. Caine)
For a book belonging to a series titled "The Great Library", I though there would be a lot more, I don't know... books? I mean there were...

Review: Whisper of the Tide (S. Tolcser)
Wow. This book was very, very good. So good that I was almost late today because I went to read "just a couple pages," read 54% of the...

Review: Shadowcaster (C. Chima)
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Cinda Williams Chima's books. I'm pretty sure her books are why I created a "favorites" shelf on...

Review: The Oddling Prince (N. Springer)
It's really hard for me to sort out all of my feelings about this book because I am still pretty confused. And a little frustrated. But...

Review: Three Dark Crowns (K. Blake)
This is the second time I've read this book, but the first time was in July of 2017 so did I remember anything? Actually, yes...

Review: Children of Blood and Bone (T. Adeyemi)
Let me start off by saying that this book caused me a bit of a headache because it was an impulse buy on vacation, and I had literally...

Review: The Cruel Prince (H. Black)
This book was so, so good. So good. I read just over half of this in one sitting (before I was forced to stop reading it because humans...
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