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The Oddling Prince Release Day!
It's release day for The Oddling Prince! And in order to celebrate... I'm doing a little wrap up post so that you all can know a little...

Review: Ink & Bone (R. Caine)
For a book belonging to a series titled "The Great Library", I though there would be a lot more, I don't know... books? I mean there were...

Review: Morning Star (P. Brown)
This series reminds me of the Robert Langdon series (which I will review eventually, I promise) in the way that each book has a similar...

Review: Salt (H. Moskowitz)
This book was good, but also… not really my favorite book ever. The premise was amazing (a huge heck yeah to sea monsters!) but the...

Review: Whisper of the Tide (S. Tolcser)
Wow. This book was very, very good. So good that I was almost late today because I went to read "just a couple pages," read 54% of the...

Reading Wrap Up: April
Okay so I'm behind. But only by like one day so IT'S OKAY. Also I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past...

Review: Golden Son (P. Brown)
I thought I was kicking myself for not reading this series earlier, but now I'm REALLY kicking myself. It's pretty rare that I find...

Review: Red Rising (P. Brown)
So I've only been meaning to read this book for... 4 months or so? Maybe longer? Regardless of the specifics, it's been quite a bit of...

Sky in the Deep Release Day! (Interview, Excerpt, and More)
It's the release day for Sky in the Deep! In honor of this Very Happy Day, and to distract myself from running out to buy a second copy...

Review: Shadowcaster (C. Chima)
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Cinda Williams Chima's books. I'm pretty sure her books are why I created a "favorites" shelf on...
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