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Review: A Clash of Kings (G. Martin)
Title: A Clash of Kings Author: George R.R. Martin Rating: 5/5 Stars Series: A Song of Ice and Fire (Book 2) I am in love with this...
Review: A Game of Thrones (G. Martin)
Title: A Game of Thrones Author: George R.R. Martin Rating: 5/5 Stars Series: A Song of Ice and Fire (Book 1) Why is there not an...
"How Do You Have Time to Read So Much?" (The Answer!)
So the number one question I always get when I talk to other people about reading is: "How do you have time to read so much?" (or one of...
Review: Our Dark Duet (V. Schwab)
Title: Our Dark Duet Author: Victoria Schwab Rating: 5/5 Stars Series: Monsters of Verity (Book 2) Reread Count: 2 I am a pile of...
Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting a Bookstagram (and a blog)
When I first decided to start a Bookstagram, I thought it would be super easy. Take pictures of pretty books, post, and *boom* hundreds...
Review: The Passenger (L. Lutz)
...My head hurts. There was just so much going on in this book that I'm not even sure where to begin. Not to mention that I did not take...
Review: This Savage Song (V. Schwab)
Title: This Savage Song Author: Victoria Schwab Rating: 5/5 Stars Series: Monsters of Verity (Book 1) Reread Count: 2 Hehehe I...
Review: Zeros (C. Wendig)
Title: Zeros Author: Chuck Wendig Rating: 3/5 Stars Series: N/A This was actually a pleasant surprise! After reading Wendig's other...
Review: The Girl of Fire and Thorns (R. Carson)
Title: The Girl of Fire and Thorns Author: Rae Carson Rating: 2/5 Stars Series: Fire and Thorns (Book 1) * Means there is a spoiler...
Mini Review: The Kennedy Detail
Title: The Kennedy Detail Authors: Gerald Blaine and Lisa McCubbin Rating: 5/5 Stars So the reason this is a "mini review" is because...
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