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Reading Wrap Up: April

Okay so I'm behind. But only by like one day so IT'S OKAY. Also I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past couple of weeks (life is stressful, okay) and all of my goals just went kablooey out the window as I tried to save my sanity. I think I managed to recover half of it. Maybe. I'm rounding up a bit.

~My April in Books~

Total Read: 56/200 (10 books behind. Meep.)

This Month: 14 books

Most Surprising: Angels & Demons

Most Disappointing: The Oddling Prince

Series or Standalone: Mostly series

Paperback, Hardcover, or eBook: Hardcover

Method of Obtaining: 4 from publisher, 5 from library, 5 borrowed

# of ARCs: 4/14

~Random Thoughts~

You know how last month I was celebrating because I actually read the number of books that I was supposed to in order to hit my Goodreads goal? And I talked about how I wasn't accumulating debt anymore? Just scratch all of that because I just accumulated more reading debt that I'm going to have to make up somewhere. It's cool, I've got oodles of free time (I don't. I really don't) so I'm sure that won't be a problem.

Angels & Demons introduced me to the Robert Langdon series, which means I now have to break the bad news to my wallet that it's going to be losing some weight in the near future. If you think really hard about it you realize that each book has the same plot and the same general outline but the content of each book is unique and I like it way too much to try and ruin it for myself so I just try to not think too hard about the repetition and then life is great.

I actually had a pretty good reading month in April, so even though my "Most Disappointing" award goes to The Oddling Prince, the book itself wasn't even that disappointing. It just wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, and was pretty confusing, and compared to all of the other awesome books I read this month it falls behind a little.

I didn't realize this but I read basically only series this month. Which is partially because I am behind, and partially because I don't always realize that I'm getting into a series until I've already read the first one and gotten hooked. And by then it's too late to back out so I'm committed. Not that I necessarily mind, but it has made my TBR tower a little... dangerous. If that thing falls I am going to die. Literally. Because it's a physical tower that I've built on my desk.

I'm still on a little bit of a break from NetGalley and ARCs but after this month (May) I will probably dive back in and be more on-top of things and actually have my life (semi) back together!

~Review of Goals for April~

  • Read 17 books so that I at least read the correct amount for my goal during April Oops.

  • Read the books I have out from the library/borrowed Yes! Even if I now have massive overdue fines.

  • Read Red Rising, Everless, and Shadowcaster I read all of these but Everless. Everless is currently part of my TBR tower.

  • Also the physical books I just bought Whoopsies.

  • Rewrite my TBR. Again. I DID DO THIS! GO ME!

  • Post at least every day on Instagram and every other day here (try this again) *sigh*

  • Read every day. Even for .2 seconds *hides head in shame*

That's 2.66 out of 7 which is... not good. That's 38%. I really need to work on this.

~Goals for May~

  • Read the 17 books. I'm going to do it.

  • Read the physical books I bought...last month...

  • Post at least 3 times a week here and on Instagram (try baby steps this time?)

  • Read every day, even if I'm busy

  • Finally read Everless.

  • Read half of my TBR Tower

Oh, and in case anybody was wondering about Organized April... Yeah that didn't work. At all. Oops.

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