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Review: Sightwitch (S. Dennard)

This... was not my favorite novella ever. I'm not a novella person in general, because I have a thing for large, wordy books, but this was probably one of my least favorite. Partially because it was written in diary format, which is really not my jam, and partially because it was just so. darn. confusing. I feel like I missed at least a couple essential paragraphs that made it impossible for me to understand what was going on. Or maybe they just weren't even there.

This is theoretically like a prequel to The Witchlands series, but I really wouldn't be able to tell you if there were any Easter eggs or references included because I read the series over a year ago. My memory is decent on a good day and on a bad day... well, I can't even remember how to spell my own name. I'm sure that there was at least one reference to The Witchlands in there, but my theory was that if it was a prequel I should be able to read it without rereading the other books. So... my bad, I guess.

This was an illustrated novella, which was kind of cool? I mean it was nice to have illustrations to go along with the story, and it did help clear some things up... but some of the illustrations were also just notes "written" on other typed up documents that were supposed to be playful banter or something like that, but it just fell super flat for me. I was honestly more interested in the documents themselves than the actual notes written on there.

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but I just couldn't bring myself to like this novella at all. It didn't seem to flow, there was a ton of backstory that was never explained, and I was lost throughout the entire book. I'll stick with just reading the full-size books from now on, because those were actually really good!

2/5 Stars

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