Review: Iron Gold (P. Brown)

Wow. What a gigantic disappointment. This book literally took everything that I loved about the Red Rising series, did the exact opposite, and then rubbed it in your face. I take back all the complaining I did about the first 3 books being too similar to each other. I was wrong. So, so wrong.
In Iron Gold, we all of a sudden have 3+ POVs , all with their own chapters. Which would normally be great, because I love multiple POVs... except a) I didn't even know who some of these characters were and b) I really wasn't that interested in their chapters at all. I wasn't even all that into Darrow's chapters, if I'm being honest. He turned from this character with decent character development to this single-minded, war-hungry brute.
We also had a completely different writing style than the one in the original trilogy, which also made me a very unhappy bean. If it ain't broke... why are you fixing it. It seemed like it was written by a completely different author and I just had to drag myself through the entire book. I almost marked it as DNF a coupe of times because... it was just not happening. It took me 5 days to finish this book, mostly because I only read it on the first day and the 5th. The rest of the time I was just avoiding it like the plague.
Was there stuff that I did like? Sure. I loved Sevro and his family. I did like the side plots present in the other POVs. I liked that Mustang finally stood up and did her darn job. But all of this was just too little and too late when it came to saving the book. I feel bad ranting on like this but... the original trilogy was so. good. And I don't know that I can look at it the same way now.
2/5 Stars