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Review: The Awakened (R. Spillman)

Before I start with this review, I just want to start with the disclaimer that I will not be reviewing the religious aspect of this book (i.e. accuracy of portrayal, use, facts, etc). I don't believe that I have the knowledge or understanding to critique or comment on these parts of the book, and will be reviewing it like I would any other book. The only thing I will note in relation to this is that I hope that my review serves to show that this book can be enjoyed by someone who holds different beliefs or does not possess a deep knowledge regarding religion, and encourage others in the same situation to pick it up as well.

Okay, disclaimer over.

I am going to be 100% honest here. I was not sure that I was going to like this book. I loved the premise (big heck yeah to secret organizations!), but this idea has been used in so many different books (I read too much) that I was expecting a re-hash of the same plot that I had read a gazillion times. This was definitely not the case. For some reason this book reminded me of a James Bond movie, despite the fact that… it really wasn’t like a James Bond movie. Also, I liked it, whereas I hate James Bond. But this book did have the suspense, intrigue, and plot twists that I would associate with a James Bond movie. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, another twist was thrown in there that made me realize that I was horribly and utterly wrong. Which was kind of depressing, but at the same time I really enjoyed it. As I read more and more I find it harder and harder to be surprised by “plot twists,” but this book did a really good job of making me feel like I shouldn’t have passed kindergarten.

Basic summary, because I don’t trust myself with this book not to accidentally give away Big Plot Details:

-super secret organizations, one good and one evil

-people being brought back from the dead

-hacking (everyone knows how I feel about hacking)

-the fate of thousands of people at stake (you know, evil super secret organization?)

The things I didn’t like were… the journal, and chapter 1. Chapter 1 was actually a big part of why I wasn’t sure about this book from the get-go, because the writing felt a little stilted and choppy. The same was the case with the journal. I don’t know why, but while I loved the writing in all of the other sections of the book I just didn’t feel that same connection with these sections.

The other sections… I loved those. I flew through this book, and was almost late for class multiple times because I was sitting in the dining hall shoveling mashed potatoes in my mouth and turning pages as fast as I could. The plot hooked me and pulled me in, but the writing was what convinced me to stay. The characters were all so unique, and each had such an interesting backstory that it left me wanting more. The plot twists were (obviously) extremely unexpected, and left me feeling always one step behind, trying to frantically figure out what was going to happen next with all of this changing information. Besides the exceptions noted above, the writing was extremely fluid and I couldn’t read fast enough. I haven’t been reading as much since I don’t have as much time (hence my months long hiatus from posting), but I made time to read this book because it was just. so. good.

Other things I don’t like: the cliffhanger ending, and the fact that the next one in the series doesn’t come out until August 2019. I am not a patient person, and I want it now.

5/5 Stars

Disclaimer: I was contacted by the author concerning reviewing this book, and was provided with a copy to read and review. This has in no way altered my feelings towards, opinions concerning, or review of this book.

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