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Review: Romanov (N. Brandes)
First of all, I just want to let everyone know that I was ecstatic when I received a copy of this book. I love the story of the Romanov...

Review: Dark Magic (J. Tanner)
I officially have a beef with this series. With both books, I have started them with the intention of, I don't know, putting them down to...

Review: Neverfall: Mark of the Hero (C. Wintertide)
This book caused me quite a bit of internal debate, especially as I progressed throughout the novel. On one hand, it was a LitRPG, and...

Review: The Enchanted Sonata (H.D. Wallwork)
It's no dark secret that I love a good retelling. I'm pretty sure everyone on the entire planet knows that by now. And when I read the...

Review: Arcane Kingdom Online: The Chosen (J. Tanner)
I officially am now accepting any and all recommendations for more LitRPG books to read, because I love this genre now. I was instantly...
Review: Mirage (S. Daud)
I love, love, loved this book, despite the fact that it contained some one of my least favorite things... a love triangle/line/thingy....

Review: The Isle of Gold (S. Jane)
This was a book that had a lot of potential, and could have been a really, really good story. It had a unique plot, a main protagonist...

Review: Salt (H. Moskowitz)
This book was good, but also… not really my favorite book ever. The premise was amazing (a huge heck yeah to sea monsters!) but the...

Review: Whisper of the Tide (S. Tolcser)
Wow. This book was very, very good. So good that I was almost late today because I went to read "just a couple pages," read 54% of the...

Sky in the Deep Release Day! (Interview, Excerpt, and More)
It's the release day for Sky in the Deep! In honor of this Very Happy Day, and to distract myself from running out to buy a second copy...
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