March TBR Haul (& Panic)

It's March, which means that I have a (wonderful) break from school for a week or so. Naturally, I'm planning on spending most of that reading (and also doing nasty blog tasks like transferring all my posts over and adding categories). So I decided that if I am internally panicking about all the books I need to read in March, I'll spread the panic. Misery loves company!
The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader
Believe it or not, I'm reading this for fun (I'm weird, I know). I've always loved Europe and Russia, and it's actually quite interesting! I'm about 70% through it right now, I meant to finish it last night, but then I had to prove that I was actually born when I said I was in order to renew my license... it's fine, I'm not bitter or anything.
Birds of Wonder (eBook)
This is a book that I've been reading for a while when I've been working out in the mornings, but since I was forced to take 5+ days off with no exercise at all I haven't gone through it as quickly as I wanted to. It's a mystery though, so I am super excited to see where it goes!
The Cruel Prince
This has been a book that I've wanted to read for FOREVER, and I've been carrying it around for about a week so that I can start it ASAP. I've heard nothing but good things about it, I just saw the cover review for the next one, and I am so, so excited!
The World According to Garp
I know next to nothing about this book BUT... it was recommended to me by the family member that I happen to borrow books from all of the time (such as 6 of the books pictured here) and they have introduced me to a bunch of new series that I am in love with so... I'm going to try it! I read the blurb on Goodreads and it seems pretty interesting.
The Girl in the Spider's Web
I just realized that the Millennium series, as well as the Decline & Fall series is out of order in this picture and it's bugging the heck out of me now. I really loved the first 3 books in Millennium, so I'm excited to read the next 2 and see if he can write as well as the original author can. Please don't ruin my series, Mr. Lagercrantz.
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye
Ditto all of the reasoning above plus... I'm kinda interested to see if there will be any actual eye gouging. Not in a weird way. Just like... in a curious way. Anyway. Moving on.
I read Flamecaster at the beginning of this year and I STILL haven't read this one (and apparently it's better). Which means a) I am ashamed of myself and must read it and b) I gotta read it ASAP before I forget everything from the first book! Also the third book is supposed to come out next month (eeeeekkkk!) and so I gotta finish this one ASAP.
Three Dark Crowns (eBook)
I read this over the summer and remember nothing (obviously). And I really want to read the second one, and the third comes out in September so I'm hoping if I write myself notes I maybeee won't have to reread for a third time?
One Dark Throne
There's so much drama and I want to know what happens... also I really liked the first one and I hate leaving good series unfinished (come on George R.R. Martin... please publish the last 2...) so I have to read this. Also if it's good I might buy it...
The Traitor Prince
I own the first two books in this series/collection (it's one of those where you can read each book alone, you just won't catch the Easter Eggs) and didn't realize that this one had come out (oops) until I saw it at the library so I just had to grab it. Apparently it's based on a tale called The False Prince which I'm not really familiar with so it will be interesting to see if I like it as much as the other two.
I did not realize that this was a novella (although I should have because it's really tiny) but I grabbed it because I really liked the other two books in the series and I saw that it had come out and decided to steal it from the library before someone else could. Sorry. (I'm not sorry.)
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Volume 1)
Also a fun read that doesn't sound very fun by the title. I saw it on the library shelves and it looked cool so I figured I would give it a try!
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Volume 2)
Ditto reasoning above...
"G" is for Gumshoe
I started reading the Kinsey Millhone series a while ago, and I pretty much fell in love with it. They are all super fast and easy reads, which can be super refreshing after reading a super long or complicated book. I'm interested to see the direction that the series goes in since the books seem to be getting longer.
"H is for Homicide
"I" is for Innocent
And ditto again.
I have to read this for school. It's pretty good right though so I don't exactly mind!
Unofficially I am also going to try and reread the Game of Thrones series, and maybeee some more ARCs. Especially because I am going to be on a plane for a while so that would be a great time to read some!
What books do you have on your March TBR? Come panic with me in the comments!