Reading Wrap-Up: February!
Hey look, I'm actually being productive and on top of things and actually writing my wrap-up on time! February has been a bit hectic, every time that I sit down and try to read I get pulled in a million different directions. So I haven't read as much as I would have liked to, but I'm working on it. And I am going to try and be more productive next month (I say this literally every single month...)
Oh! Be sure to stay tuned for a surprise later today!)

~My January in Books~
Total Read: 24/200 (still super duper far behind. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.)
This Month: 12 books
Most Surprising: First Lessons
Most Disappointing: Fawkes
Series or Standalone: Mostly series
Paperback, Hardcover, or eBook: Mostly eBook
Method of Obtaining: 7 from publisher, 4 from library, and one purchase
# of ARCs: 5/12
~Random Thoughts~
I managed to injure myself towards the beginning of this month, which contributes to the dramatic increase in the number of ebooks that I have read lately. It's a lot easier to manage a Kindle while on the exercise bike than it is to attempt to balance an actual book and not get it all sweaty. (Also I had more time to discover NetGalley and not just flail around like a dying penguin) However, I am still somehow behind on my Goodreads goal even though I am now reading more in the mornings because... injured.
I was surprised by how much I loved First Lessons. I read a lot of historical fiction when I was younger, and that is actually the genre that got my into reading. I haven't read as much of it lately just because I've moved towards more science fiction and fantasy, so I was excited to see how this one was. And I loved it. First of all, it reminded me of why I loved historical fiction so much. It was set in one of my favorite time periods to read about, and it represented the era quite accurately, from what I could tell. It also had some science fiction/fantasy mixed in, so it was just the perfect mix of the genre that got me into reading, and the genre that I love now.
Fawkes, on the other hand, made me really sad. It had the same type of formula as First Lessons (historical mixed with fantasy), but it just didn't draw me in like I thought it would. It did have an amazing plot, and I loved one of the secondary characters (her personality was AWESOME!), but I wasn't a fan of the main character or the slow start. It wasn't a bad book by any means, I just had some pretty high expectations for it and was disappointed when they weren't met.
I've been reading a lot of books that belong to a series recently, mostly because I'm either a) getting drawn into a new series or b) frantically trying to read all of the sequels that I am behind on. Which is great, except when you get to a book like First Lessons or Thunderhead, where you want to read the rest of them and... they aren't out. Only some of them. (I swear this isn't a promotional post for First Lessons. I just really liked it.)
I only bought one new book this month. Try and guess which one it is. Just guess. (Hint: one of these things is not like the other...)
~Review of Goals for February~
Get back on track with Goodreads goal (FAIL. ABSOLUTE FAIL.)
Finish all current ARCs (Did that. I think?)
Read the books I have out from the library/borrowed (Ummm....)
Read Red Rising, One Dark Throne, and Shadowcaster (Bwaha nope.)
Also Batman and Everless (I read Batman! Not Everless though...)
Rewrite my TBR. Someday. (I did this. I need to rewrite it again though.)
A whopping 2.5 goals accomplished out of 6. Which is less than 50%. I'm not doing so well!
~Goals for March~
Read 17 books so that I at least read the correct amount for my goal during March
Read the books I have out from the library/borrowed
Read Red Rising, One Dark Throne, and Shadowcaster
Also Everless
Rewrite my TBR. Again.
Post at least every day on Instagram and every other day here
Read at least 1 book outside of my comfort zone
Here's to hoping that March is a more successful month than February! Maybe I will actually get some of my reading done this time... and read the books that I take out from the library!
Anybody else have similar reading goals for March? Let me know in the shiny new comments box I added below! (It only took me a half hour to get it up and running. If it doesn't work, shoot me an email so that I can try and fix it! Also, in semi-related news, my URL has changed! It is now just, none of the free Wix stuff added on at the end! (Apparently the old link doesn't work now...)