Reading Wrap-Up: January!
I've always wanted to do monthly wrap-ups, but whenever I tried to do them last year I wound up forgetting and would only remember during the middle of the month, which seems like an awkward time to do a wrap-up (not that it stopped me from doing my 2017 wrap-up mid January, but I'm going to be more on top of things this year (hahahaha) and actually do it on time). So despite the fact that I am ages behind on all of my other things, I will be on time with this! Maybe. I hope.
Depends on when you are seeing this.

~My January in Books~
Total Read: 12/200 (So far behind. So, so, so behind)
Most Surprising: More Than a Game
Most Disappointing: The Hazel Wood
Series or Standalone: Mostly series
Paperback or Hardcover: Mostly hardcover
Method of Obtaining: Borrowing
~Random Thoughts~
Most of what I read this month was Kinsey Millhone, mostly because I borrowed a bunch of them from a family member and then devoured them in .2 seconds because they are all only 200 pages long, if that. So not only am I reading outside of my page comfort zone (I like 400-600+), but I'm also reading out of my genre comfort zone (and loving it). I can't wait until I can borrow the next books.
I (finally) started the Shattered Realms series, although I still have to finish (read: start) book 2. A bunch of new books came in from the library (which I need to read) and I now have a bunch of ARCs (which I need to read) and poor Shadowcaster got thrown aside. Along with Red Rising and One Dark Throne. I will read them. Eventually. I hope.
I also have read more eBooks this month, with 3 of them coming from NetGalley (2 of which were ARCs). I still prefer physical books, but I have to say it's nice to be able to carry around 5 books on my tiny Kindle Paperwhite and not contribute even more to the deterioration of my shoulder and back. I still look like a walking disaster zone, but now I'm not dropping books everywhere.
My most surprising read was More Than a Game, which turned out to be one of my favorite books that I've read this month. I'm new to the litRPG genre, my only previous exposure really being Ready Player One. But I really enjoyed it! I was sucked into the world, and couldn't put it down. I can't say that I regret staying up late to finish it, although I did have a wonderful headache the next day. I'm definitely going to have to venture more into this new (to me) genre.
~Goals for February~
Get back on track with Goodreads goal
Finish all current ARCs
Read the books I have out from the library/borrowed
Read Red Rising, One Dark Throne, and Shadowcaster
Also Batman and Everless
Rewrite my TBR. Someday.