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Review: Here Lies Daniel Tate (C. Terrill)

Title: Here Lies Daniel Tate Author: Cristin Terrill Rating: 4/5 Stars Series: N/A Wow. My brain needs a couple seconds to catch up... it's already been like a half hour so maybe I need more than just a couple seconds. Maybe like a couple million seconds. *deep breath* Here we go. This book had so many twists and turns and surprises and man did I feel left behind. I feel like it would have been like riding a rollercoaster except I've never been on one because I am super afraid of heights and sharp drops and falling and yeah tangent whoops. Back on track. (Get it, rollercoaster? Track? Never mind.) So we basically start off following this boy who is NOT Daniel Tate. And then IS Daniel Tate (for like 20 pages). And then he is NOT Daniel Tate again. And I WAS confused. But no honestly this was so confusing. I didn't figure out what was going on until like 100 pages into the book and that's 25% OF THE BOOK! But once I kinda-sorta figured out what was going on it was actually really good! So "Daniel" basically gets wrapped up into this super big con where he winds up pretending to be "Daniel Tate," who mysteriously disappeared six years ago. At first he figures he will just use it as a helpful delay so that he can slip away, but everything moves much faster than he thought and he winds up being brought "home" to California. Enter one of the most twisted, confusing, and secretive literary families that I have ever met. The Tate are just... wow. The only one I liked was Mia because she was the only one that made any sense. But basically everyone in this family has a secret to hide, and wow is it hard to figure everything out. There were a ton of plot twists, some that were really predictable and some that blew my mind. But the ending? That was like an entirely different level. LIKES: + The title (Here Lies Daniel Tate) can be connected in so many different ways throughout the book. Because "lies" can have so many different meanings, and I felt almost like it was a treasure hunt or whatever to connect "lies" to what was going on in the book and I felt so smart when I figured it out 😂 + The ending was so unexpected yet I feel like it fit perfectly with the book. I almost feel like if it had ended any other way that it would have seemed "wrong" and would have been disappointing but for once I loved the ending! (I normally hate the endings of books but this was awesome) + All of the twists and turns were so confusing yet it kept me on the edge of my seat. (Although I will have to admit that this book was really not good for my health because I am a very anxious/stressed out person normally and this book just made it worse) I was constantly freaking out that "Daniel" would get discovered and trying to figure out how he would keep up this con and how the book would end... +The story just really captured my attention, and once I started I couldn't stop because... DISLIKES: - THERE ARE NO CHAPTERS! Just little section break things so if you are like me and you need to stop at a chapter that is a multiple of either 5 or 10 (preferably 10) this book just wreaks havoc on your brain, which can't figure out where to stop and then you wind up forgetting to have dinner (true story) because how do you just stop in the middle of a random page?! - There was one plot twist that was SUPER predictable, and it was supposed to be like the main plot twist but I called it on like page 50 or something so it wasn't a surprise. At all. - The first 100 pages or so were really confusing it took a while for my brain to catch up. This book was really good. The only reason that I'm not giving it 5 stars is because of the fact that it took me so long to figure out what was going on, and for the super predictable plot twist. But I would seriously recommend reading this book, it was awesome!

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